8 Health Benefits of Roller Skating

For decades, roller skating has been considered just a fun, laid-back activity. Yet the act of whizzing around on wheels actually has some serious health benefits. This may come as a pleasant surprise, particularly for adults tired of the same-old, same-old types of workout. If you’re someone who loves to roller skate or wants to […]
How Do You Avoid Cabin Fever?

Long, dark nights. Kids practically bouncing off the walls. Everyone wondering when spring will arrive. These are just a few of the many telltale signs that cabin fever may be on its way. Fortunately, the antidote to cabin fever is fairly straightforward. Just try a few strategies to help everyone feel less cooped up and […]
Fun Ways to Relieve Stress

Everyone feels stress at times. Whether caused by a tight deadline at work or a situation we can’t control, anxiety and stress can be downright dangerous. It’s hard to focus when you’re upset and staying in this state can make it harder to sleep and to enjoy life. While stress may be serious, you don’t […]
Unique Office Christmas Party Ideas

Don’t host the same party in your office with the same music and boring snacks. This year, shake it up a little and try out some innovative party ideas. Office Christmas parties can be about more than just celebrating the season and another successful year behind you. Unique, engaging events help team members enjoy the […]
Nerf Arcade & Ticket Ring Hit the CSE Arcade

NEW TO THE ARCADE New games are constantly being added to the already impressive 20,000 sq. ft. arcade at the Carlisle Sports Emporium. A couple of the latest pieces to hit the arcade floor include NERF Arcade & Ticket Ring, both of which have quickly become customer favorites. NERF ARCADE Nerf Arcade is a high-energy, […]