Beating the Holiday Blues

The holiday season — a time of joy and delight. Or is it? It can be, of course, but it can also be a very stressful time, and for some, a depressing one. There’s a lot of pressure to enjoy the holidays, but there are plenty of reasons why people don’t necessarily look forward to […]
Fun Ways to Relieve Stress

Everyone feels stress at times. Whether caused by a tight deadline at work or a situation we can’t control, anxiety and stress can be downright dangerous. It’s hard to focus when you’re upset and staying in this state can make it harder to sleep and to enjoy life. While stress may be serious, you don’t […]
Unique Office Christmas Party Ideas

Don’t host the same party in your office with the same music and boring snacks. This year, shake it up a little and try out some innovative party ideas. Office Christmas parties can be about more than just celebrating the season and another successful year behind you. Unique, engaging events help team members enjoy the […]
Office Event Ideas for Late Summer

The end of summer can be a real bummer. But there’s still time to have some fun with your team before the season ends. If you want to have an unbelievably great time and to reward your team for all their hard work, you may be looking for unique late summer office event ideas. We […]
Nerf Arcade & Ticket Ring Hit the CSE Arcade

NEW TO THE ARCADE New games are constantly being added to the already impressive 20,000 sq. ft. arcade at the Carlisle Sports Emporium. A couple of the latest pieces to hit the arcade floor include NERF Arcade & Ticket Ring, both of which have quickly become customer favorites. NERF ARCADE Nerf Arcade is a high-energy, […]